• decarvalhobueno@gmail.com

Rafael de Carvalho Bueno

Doutor em engenharia ambiental pela Universidade Federal do Paraná e em ciências naturias pela University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (Alemanha). Sou professor colaborador e pós-doutorando no Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Ambiental da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), membro do Research Group of Environmental Monitoring, Modeling and Management of Reservoirs, Estuaries and Catchments (REMARE) e coordenador do Laboratory of Limnological Research and Sensor Technology (Limnotronic) vinculado ao Centro de Hidráulica e Hidrologia Professor Parigot de Souza (UFPR). Tenho experiência na área de Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos, com ênfase em modelagem hidrodinâmica, mecânica dos fluidos ambiental, limnologia física, desenvolvimento de sensores e softwares para o monitoramento ambiental. Atuo principalmente em temas envolvendo escoamentos em meios estratificados.

Research Interests

Internal waves in fresh water basin: wind-induced internal waves in thermally stratified lakes, internal seiche degeneration, internal waves with higher vertical modes, interaction between internal wave and basin complexities, high-frequency internal waves, wind-wave resonance, internal solitary wave tunneling, new technology to detect internal waves, and internal waves induced by lake topography.

Physical and biological effecs induced by internal waves: Lake mixing, lake turbulence, water quality, resuspension events of bottom boundary layer due to internal wave activity.

Gravity currents and intrusion: Gravity current evolution in different ambients, interaction between gravity current and sediment, effects of gravity current to water quality and mixing.

Software and sensor development Software and sensors development to monitor the environment, specially aquatic ecossytems. Develpment of low-cost turbidity meters and a new tool capable to provide more information about suspended particles compositions, Gas analyzer to measure methane and carbon dioxide of aquatic ecosystems.